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The Challenge of Climate Change!

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Tata Power Club Enerji brings you an opportunity to share your solutions!

The Challenge of Climate Change!

Open to students of Class 4 - 12

  • Win exciting Prizes and Certificates!

Game for the Challenge?

Entries Closed

Rules for Participation

For Videos

  • Maximum Team of 2 for each entry.
  • Maximum Video Length: 3 mins.
  • Only original content.
  • Credit source of facts used.
  • Copyright free music only.
  • Can be shot on a mobile device.
  • Language: Hindi/ English.
  • Upload on YouTube as a private video and email the link to :

For Posters

  • Individual Entry Only
  • All entries in A3 & A4 Sheets
  • Only original Content
  • Language: Hindi / English
  • Scan and mail your entry to:

For Blogs

  • Individual Entry Only
  • Maximum Word Limit : 500
  • Only original Content
  • Credit source of facts used
  • Language: Hindi/ English
  • Mail your entry to:
TATA Group companies have the right to record, edit, use, reproduce, screen and distribute the entries.

The entry must be sent to as follows:

Video: To be uploaded on YouTube and link to be sent on
Blog and Poster: To be sent to
Entries Closed

More Tips To Create Award Winning Entries:

The subject for your Poster/ Blog/ Video could include:

Campaigning to produce behavioural change

Inspire, educate and raise awareness on how our everyday consumer behaviour affects our local environment and planet, introduce people to actions they can implement into their daily routine to reduce their negative environmental impact.

Developing more sustainable commuting

Demonstrating identified opportunities that have helped change commuting behaviour whether it be developing new technology or implementing existing methods in a new context that make cities more sustainable and enjoyable.

Producing products and food locally

Producing products and food locally: Changing the world by first looking at what you can do close to home, supporting local businesses that preserve local knowledge and customs using sustainably sourced materials from the surrounding area is one way of many to think globally and act locally.

Providing services to people affected by climate change

Identify how climate change will affect your community specifically and showcase approaches that have been designed to address the needs of those who will be hit the hardest. Some ideas for questions you might ask: Are some jobs that communities rely on not going to exist in the next decades? Are there food staples that are vulnerable to the effects of climate change that need to be replaced or adapted? Will housing need to adapt to new weather patterns? How is your community preparing for such changes?

Reducing the use of energy in buildings

Raising awareness on efficient energy usage and inspiring small changes in individual behaviour that if done consistently can have a big impact on climate!

Local solutions for sustainable energy access and transformation

Determine whether your community has access to energy from sustainable low carbon sources. Identify opportunities to support energy transition through education, awareness, training, volunteering or following a new career. Get inspired by pioneers adapting new technologies to local contexts and tell your story of clean energy revolution.

Creating wealth from waste

Draw inspiration from concepts like circular economy, and upcycling! Looking for innovative spirits that are eager to show how they have helped establish and maintain responsible production and consumption patterns.

Reclaiming green spaces

Sustainable community-led urban renewal projects that are aimed at getting together as a community and shaping areas to suit your needs whether it be community gardens, parks, recreational centres or anything your community might need to increase their resilience and combat climate change!

Implementing the sharing economy

Establishing platforms for sharing for your community, some objects are not necessary to be owned by every household, utilizing what your neighbour has and offering what you have to others establishes a spirit of community and enforces the goal of sustainable production and consumption!

Rules for Participation

  • All entries into the competition must be your original work and must not infringe the copyrights, trademarks, rights of privacy, publicity or other intellectual property or other rights of any person or entity, or otherwise be unlawful.
  • Competition is open to any student from class 4th to 12th and the closing date for entries, 23:00 GMT on 30th October 2019. The purpose of the competition is for people to show their view and communication skill and report about action on climate.
  • TATA Power has overall discretion in determining whether to publish, screen or broadcast any material.
  • The entry must be in one of the three forms - Poster, Blog, and Video and cover the category of Climate Change.
  • TATA Power is entitled without liability to you to cancel the competition and/or to make reasonable adjustments to the competition rules at any time.
  • Only entry forms submitted to will be considered.
  • All entries submitted will be reviewed for each category.
  • The judging panel will then decide the finalists or winning entries.
  • Any entry which doesn't follow the rules or guidelines will be disqualified.
  • The selection of the shortlists and winners will not be up for dispute. The judging panel's decision is final and conclusive, and no further discussion will be entered into.

Your Entries Must Have

  • Interesting Local Stories
  • People Taking Action
  • Good Positive Solutions

Your Entries Should Not Have

  • General Information
  • People Only Talking
  • Many Negative Details

The Challenge will be judged by our expert panel. Good Luck!