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Our accomplishments over 10 years...

  • 2017

    Completes 10 years covering more than 533 schools. Sensitised more than 19 million citizens and saved more than 25 million units, have a total of 2, 55,783 Energy Champions and 2,98,468 Energy Ambassadors. 27346 citizens sensitized through social media.

  • 2016

    Sensitised more than 15.84 million citizens and saved around 21 million units. 26906 citizens sensitized through social media.

  • 2015

    Sensitised more than 12.8 million citizens and saved around 17.26 million units. 20348 citizens sensitized through social media.

  • 2014

    Sensitised more than 7 million citizens and saved around 11.2 million units since inception. 5186 citizens sensitized through social media.

  • 2013

    1.7 lakh citizens sensitized and 2.8 million units saved. 3109 citizens sensitized through social media.

  • 2012

    1.6 lakh citizens sensitized and 2.7 million units saved.

  • 2011

    1.5 lakh citizens sensitized and 2.7 million units saved.

  • 2010

    2.4 million units saved through conservation activities across 250 schools.

  • 2009

    Reached more than 250 schools.

  • 2008

    28 schools covered and 26,922 citizens sensitized.

  • 2007

    Started with 12 schools and 6000 students sensitised.