Club-Enerji Booklet Discussion Forum Energy Calculator Carbon Footprint Calculator Anthem Download Ringtone Download


Teachers at TPCE have taken up the initiative of teaching the younger generation energy and natural
resource conservation and how to combat change!

You can be an energy mentor, by propagating efficient usage of energy and educating the society at large on issues like climate change and energy crises. Teach about energy and its conservation in your surroundings, classrooms and institution and lead the change you want to see. You could be that energy mentor who will educate and lead a nationwide movement that will voice the cause of Energy Conservation and avert the impending energy crises.

  • Practice energy saving yourself!

    Check out energy busters and learn how you bring down those electricity bills.

  • Download energy busters

    Just download the energy busters and put it up in your classrooms.

  • Slap it on!

    Put up those energy busters on your classroom notice boards and at home for everyone to save.

  • Appoint Energy Monitors

    Appoint monitors in your classrooms who could ensure that those fans and lights not in use are switched off! Save energy!

  • Energy Activities

    Some activities that you could try out in your classrooms!
    Energy Conservation Posters/Collages. Global Warming Bookmarks. Combat Climate change designs for T-shirts/tattoos.
    Documentaries on Energy conservation/ Climate change. Case studies.

  • Share your Idea!

    If you have tried some interesting ideas/project plans and think other mentors could also use them, write to us and let's share it with others!