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Mini Club Enerji

Mini Enerji Club is YOUR club where YOU can take the lead and help save energy and resources.

We invite members to form their own Mini Club Enerji (previously known as Tata Power Energy Club), which operate as independent entities with their own 'Energy Council' of Energy Mentors, Energy General, Energy Captains, Energy Monitors and Energy Savers!

Joining this bandwagon of forming mini Club Enerjis' are our enthusiastic Energy Champions. These energetic groups of champions from various schools have conducted exhibitions, street plays, painting competitions etc. to spread the message of energy conservation in a fun and interesting way. Where some have painted messages on walls, others have taken to street plays to spread the message.

After registering their own Club Enerji with us, members can conduct various activities year after year and keep us updated on their initiatives conducted in and around the school or society.

Following are the steps to form a Mini Club Enerji at your school or college:

Mini Club Enerji members can undertake these 5 projects in due course:

  • Perform a play on Energy
    Conservation at any school function.

  • Celebrate Energy Conservation
    Day on 14th December.

  • Practice Batti Bandh (volunteering to switch off
    electricity at home for an hour) at least once a month.

  • Conduct one sensitization session
    for the school/sessions for any class.

  • Conduct energy theme based
    competitions like drawing etc.

Students can be innovative and creative with the above tasks and can perform as per their schedules. They can initiate any number of interesting projects of their own ranging from water conservation, waste utilization, tree plantation to energy conservation.

The Club Enerji will have an Energy Council comprising of -

  • Energy Mentor Who will be the teacher in-charge of the Club.

  • Energy General Who will be the student in-charge of the Club and will envision various interesting activities for the Club. He/she should be an Energy Champion.

  • Energy Captain Who will be the team leader of the Club and will assist the General to coordinate and execute the activities of the Club in the society.

  • Energy Monitors Will be the top five active members of the Club.

  • Energy Savers Will be the members of the Club who will encourage everyone in the society to save electricity.

The school is requested to document these initiatives with photographs and reports that can be emailed or mailed simultaneously on completion of tasks. Send it to Club Enerji at

Students can also form the Club Enerji in their own localities. In this case, they are expected to register by filling up the form and emailing us at They are free to conduct any number of activities in their society and send us the event reports with photographs to Club Enerji (previously known as Tata Power Energy Club) at

So what are you waiting for? Just click on the button below and start your own movement to conserve electricity!